Residential Rehab Centres for Drug & Alcohol Addiction
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Benefits of Massage Therapy

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Benefits of Massage Therapy Addiction Treatment

Benefits of Massage Therapy. Massage therapy is believed to have many benefits that help both the physical and emotional parts of the body. Massage therapy stimulates the flow of blood throughout the body to help rid itself of harmful chemicals and toxins, as well as easing aching muscles and over stimulated nerves.

In drug and alcohol rehab a trained therapist will know exactly what parts of the body to focus on to support this process.

One of the reasons individuals attempting to quit using drugs and alcohol relapse is because they are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Massage therapy, in conjunction with a medical detox regime can be implemented to ease withdrawal symptoms and promote physical well-being.


Drugs and alcohol decrease a body’s ability to respond when threatened by viruses and bacteria, this is why addicted people often get sick with colds and flu.

The Touch Research Institute in Miami,Florida, has found that massage encourages an increased immune response.


Massage therapy has shown to help decrease symptoms of anxiety and mild depression through relaxation (we have stats to prove it!!!!).

CRAVINGS – Benefits of Massage Therapy

Cravings can be so strong that to not give in can feel hard. Massage therapy was shown by research at the Touch Institute to help reduce cravings.


If there was no other benefit, massage substitutes a positive way to feel better and take care of yourself. It is a way to practise the change away from self destruction towards self care.

TIME FRAME – Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy needs to be a regular part of an individual’s treatment. Though even one session can help, weekly massage will give the maximum benefit with the most obvious positive results.

Today the therapeutic value of massage has been recognised and continues to flourish throughout the western world.

If this sounds like the right detox for you, pick up the phone and call us you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Call Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)

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