Home Detox & Recovery Packages
Home Detox & Recovery Packages. We have many different home detox packages available, contact us for more information. I have found that once a client has been detoxed from alcohol at home. They tend not to need any extra support as the family and friends seem to do a good job on this. Plus like I have always said. Once you have been detoxed, it is like coming out of a cloud of chaos. Everything starts to become clear. And in most cases the client thinks “what on earth was I doing”.
- Home Detox with 4 Weeks Daily Telephone Recovery Coaching
- Home Detox with 6 Weeks Face to Face Counselling – once per week in your home area
- Home Detox + 4 Weeks Daily Telephone Recovery Coaching + 6 Weeks Face to Face Counselling – once per week in your home area
- Home Detox with 12 weeks Face to Face Counselling – once per week in your home area
Alcohol Home detox – A quick fix?
Some people may think an alcohol home detox is just a quick fix and will not last. But let me tell you we have had massive success with our detox programs. After all it is exactly the same way we detox our clients in a residential rehab centre. So why would it not work? We very rarely see clients relapse form an alcohol home detox.
- 4 Night Kick-Start Inpatient Detox + At Home finish-off Detox
- 4 Night Kick-Start Inpatient Detox + At Home Finish-off Detox + 4 Weeks Daily Telephone Recovery Coaching
- 4 Night Kick-Start Inpatient Detox + At Home Finish-off Detox + 6 Weeks Face to Face Counselling – once per week in your home area
- 4 Night Kick-Start Inpatient Detox + At Home Finish-off Detox + 4 Weeks Daily Telephone Recovery Coaching + 6 Weeks Face to Face Counselling – once per week in your home area
Home Detox & Recovery Packages. Home treatment packages vary in price. Contact our admissions team for your individual treatment package assessment. Our home detox package is the most affordable way to detox in the UK. Call Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)